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Microsoft Gutscheine & Deals im April 2024

Microsoft offers a vast selection of Office templates for everyday use. Create a custom photo card, pitch your million-dollar idea, or plan your next family holiday with Microsoft Office templates. Find the perfect tool for your task or occasion with PowerPoint, Excel and Word templates.

Take a look at free templates for Word for a wide variety of formatted documents. Hosting an event? Invite guests with an invitation template or flyer template. Show your gratitude to those who do nice things with printable thank-you cards. When it’s time for a career change, use a customisable CV template, professionally designed to help you land your dream job.​

The wide range of PowerPoint templates provide the perfect starting point for all your graphical and data presentation needs, offering a multitude of themes, charts and design choices. Use a presentation template for your next school project or add an infographic data chart to your pitch deck to polish and liven up your presentation.

​Data management and information tracking are made easy with Excel templates. Manage your business expenses with a log template, track assets with an inventory template and keep team members on track with a Gantt chart template. To help manage life outside of work, post a family chore schedule or coordinate your next trip with a holiday planner template. bietet kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung Microsoft Store Gutschein, Gutscheincode und beste Deals direct vom Microsoft für Ihre nächste einkaufen.


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